Arts Umbrella Pre-Professional Theatre

Are you an aspiring actor considering the Arts Umbrella Pre-Professional Theatre Program? Our Troupes, designed for teens who are seriously considering theatre and the performing arts as a career path, require an audition as part of the admissions process.

Not sure where to start with audition prep? Here’s some advice from Susanne Moniz de Sá, Junior Theatre Troupe Director and Coordinator of Theatre, Music & Film.


Show the director you are well prepared. The more prepared you are the more flexible you can be in an audition. Preparation leads to comfort. It also works on a subconscious level and shows the director that you know how to work.

Discover the Moment

Your audition isn’t about showing a perfect product. It’s about sharing something that excites you. It’s about discovering the moments and finding vulnerability in the work. Try to be honest and don’t force the moments; forcing a moment can lead to aiming for perfection, which can also lead to mechanical acting.

Make Choices

Directors want to see actors who make choices. Make these choices based on information given to you in the script and make sure to read the entire play so you have context for your monologue. Don’t be afraid to have strong opinions about how to play your character in the monologue. Follow your instincts here, and as long as you are prepared, your confidence will show.

Take Direction

Directors want to see how well you can take direction. Whatever you have prepared for the audition, be willing to throw it out at any moment. If a director wants you to do approach a scene in a completely different way, just explore it! It’s not because you have done something wrong; it’s simply a way of seeing how you take direction, which is a vital skill for actors. To prepare for this, develop multiple approaches to your monologue in advance.

Show Your Personality

Directors want actors they can work well with. They need to know you are genuine and someone who can work in an ensemble. You may be working with the same instructors and students for 3-4 years.

Trust Yourself

Remember that you are sharing your work with a director, you are not trying to impress them. Be open and collaborative and most of all trust yourself and your instincts.

Learn more about our Pre-Professional Theatre Program.


The next auditions are being held on September 12 at our Granville Island campus, 1400 Johnston Street. Limited spaces remain, so book your spot today.