An adaptation of Lewis Carroll’s classic story, a group of performers seek out an “Alice” in order to provide “her turn” in Wonderland. As her adventure unfolds, they play the many characters she encounters and grows to love. Featuring the Arts Umbrella Pre-Professional Theatre Program’s Junior Theatre Troupe.

Direction by Susanne Moniz de Sá
Sound Design by Paul Moniz de Sá
Set and Costume Design by Danica West
Lighting Design by Gerald King

Performances showing Thursday May 21st and Friday May 22nd at the Waterfront theatre at 7:00 pm.

Tickets: $15 / Double bill of Alice in Wonderland and The Martian Chronicles: $25

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Date & Time: Location: Event Information:
May 21 – 22
7:00 pm
Waterfront Theatre 1412 Cartwright Street, Granville island Vancouver, BC