Arts Umbrella Pre-Professional Theatre Auditions

Auditions Notice

This page includes important information on how to prepare for your audition. Please read to the bottom for tips on how to prepare for your audition and to sign up for a time slot.

Download an Audition Info Package

The Audition Process
  • Complete the “Register for an Audition” form.
    • If you are auditioning for Musical Theatre, Film, or Theatre, you will receive a 15 minute audition slot when your questionnaire has been received
    • If you are auditioning for Sketch Comedy and Improv, you will be placed in a group audition time-slot
  • You may sign up to audition for multiple Troupes and your auditions will be scheduled accordingly.
  • Arrive at Arts Umbrella 10-15 minutes early to ensure that you are ready to go at your scheduled audition time.
If you have any questions about the audition process, please email


Audition Dates

Sept 8, 2024


How do I prepare for my audition?

If you would like to be considered for Musical Theatre Troupe you must prepare a song from the Musical Theatre canon. Make sure you have sheet music to bring with you to your audition. Sheet music can be found in hard copy at libraries, or online at resources including composer’s personal websites,, and


Learn this dance combo posted posted on Vimeo (password: MTAudition). For rehearsal purposes, “Seize the Day” from “Newsies” can be found on Youtube and Spotify (the combo starts at around 4:40). Music will provided at the audition.


If you would like to be considered for  Theatre Troupe you must memorize and prepare a monologue from a published play. Choose a piece that speaks to you and make sure you read the play to get as much information about the character and story as possible.


Learn this mime sequence posted at on Vimeo (password: THAudition)


If you would like to be considered for The Film Actors’ Troupe you must memorize and prepare a monologue from a published play. Choose a piece that speaks to you and make sure you read the play to get as much information about the character and story as possible.


You must prepare this film scene to be read with a reader at your audition. You may choose whichever character you’d like and a reader will play the scene with you at your audition


If you would like to be considered for Sketch Comedy and Improv Troupe you will be placed in a 30 minute group audition where you will be lead through a warm up and some improv scenes to see how you work with others and your boldness in your work.